Monthly Archives: February 2009

Loyalty in tough times: We’re here for the long haul!

I was recently asked what the chance of GM going bankrupt was, and what it would mean for my customers and my dealership. It’s a question I never ever thought I would hear in my lifetime, but one that needs to be addressed.

I believe that the North American automotive industry is simply far too important to let fade away. I have no doubt that when holes appear in markets, others rush to fill them, so getting a car will always be possible. What I mean is that I believe that the emotional and intellectual impact of losing these cornerstone companies would be disastrous to the psyche of the North American consumer. Emotions and attitudes drive markets – both ways, so the impact of failure would have a great impact on our lives.

GM Canada is actually filled with some very sharp minds. Of course, when you are the biggest brand of all, you take the biggest hit when conditions change for the negative. Still, I truly believe that with smart minds like Marc Comeau, GM Canada’s Vice-President of Sales, Service and Marketing helping to find the solution, this ship will right itself, and it will do so better than many think is possible. There’s a lot at stake here.

One thing you can always count on is that the Belanger Family will stand tall behind our promises and work hard to ensure you have a great experience as an owner. We are here for the long haul, just like we have always been.

These are my words and you can hold me to them.

Luc Belanger

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to our brand new blog! Now we’re car people, so you’ll have to forgive us if this isn’t the fanciest blog in the world. We were looking for a better way to stay in touch with our customers, and we think this blog might be just the ticket. We’ll be posting on anything and everything, from the constantly changing global auto scene to the tip and tricks that will help you get more joy and life from your vehicle. We hope you stay tuned, because we plan on sharing as much useful information with you as we can.


Luc Belanger, General Manager