Monthly Archives: September 2009

S.E.A.T.S. for Kids Clinic a huge success

Car Seats 018This past weekend we hosted the nice folks from S.E.A.T.S for Kids, a non-profit organization located in Ottawa and dedicated to increasing the appropriate and correct use of child restraint systems of children in our community.

It was a real success. In fact the actual clinic was completely booked up within 20 minutes of it being announced. The group offers a wide variety of services including (but not limited to) the following:

  • car seat inspection clinics
  • nationally recognized certification courses
  • information sessions
  • seminars
  • appearances at community events

Taken from their website:

Transport Canada reports that every year, 10,000 children under the age of 12 are injured in collisions. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children and youth according to the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program.

Based on what we saw this past Saturday, I strongly recommend that any parent or family member who drives small children attend one of S.E.A.T.S. free inspection clinics. You’ll meet some very smart and helpful volunteers, and learn about automotive safety and proper car seat installation. Plus, during the clinic there are certified inspectors available to help ensure that your children are buckled up safely.

Once again, their clinics fill up fast, so don’t miss out. You can find their upcoming clinic schedule here.

Safe driving,


Thanks for saying thanks!

This is just a quick note to thank all of the kind people who’ve been calling us and thanking us for our participation in a recent community effort to help a family in real need.

We were recently approached and asked if we could help out a family in real need and we were fortunate to be in a position to be able to donate a pre-owned van to them, without charge. It’s made all the difference in the world to them, and It was our great pleasure to help out. If you missed the article in the Citizen, you can read it here.

Once again, proof that a community working together can achieve just about anything it sets out to.

Safe driving,
