Thanks for saying thanks!

This is just a quick note to thank all of the kind people who’ve been calling us and thanking us for our participation in a recent community effort to help a family in real need.

We were recently approached and asked if we could help out a family in real need and we were fortunate to be in a position to be able to donate a pre-owned van to them, without charge. It’s made all the difference in the world to them, and It was our great pleasure to help out. If you missed the article in the Citizen, you can read it here.

Once again, proof that a community working together can achieve just about anything it sets out to.

Safe driving,


News flash: Our private “Friends & Family” sale now open to “New Friends” too!

Folks, over the years we’ve held just about every sale imaginable, but our current “Friends & Family” private sale is a success beyond just about anything we’ve seen in our 40 year history. We thought customers would love our “Take another $1000 of your best price” coupon, but in all seriousness, we almost can’t keep up with the traffic during our event. We had a feeling this event might draw a lot of attention so luckily we stocked up well on both new and used vehicles. That means our selection is still excellent.

News of this event has gotten out, and customers and potential customers are now walking in off of the street because they’ve heard about the sale. We appreciate the interest, and  by popular demand, we’re decided to immediately extend our private sale to include “new friends” as well.

If you want to get in on saving an additional $1000 of your next purchase – and by $1000 off I literally  mean $1,000 off once you’ve negotiated the deal you want –  make sure you drop by soon. Just make sure you do it sooner than later, for while we have great inventory now, this event is shaping up to be our most successful in history, so you don’t want to miss out. See you soon!

Safe driving,


Here’s a 10% Solution

Hi there,

As our regular readers know, we aren’t quite as active on our blog during these dog days of summer. July was literally a wash out for vacations, but August seems like a much sunnier situation.

There is a lot of summer left, so if your thinking about taking a break and hitting the road, here’s a bit of help to get you started. Before any road trip you should always make sure your vehicle is running well. The last thing you need is a trip spoiling car headache while you’re traveling!  On our promotion area of our website ( you’ll find our current coupon for 10% off any parts or service you may need from The Belanger Family. Just print it, present it and save. It’s that easy.

And we always have promotions on this area of our web site, so if this coupon isn’t right for you, simply check back, for they always change (and always save you money).

Safe driving,


Check out this beauty

cargo outOk, so based on the title, you weren’t expecting to see  a cargo van. Well, call me crazy, but I think cargo vans are beautiful, smart vehicles, and to the men and women who need a vehicle for work that isn’t a truck, these vehicles are incredible.

Home renovation and improvement is at an all time high, and trades people are more in demand today than they’ve ever been. Whether you paint, perform carpentry, are a plumber or deliver products, there is no vehicle that will serve you better than a great cargo van. Sometimes you just need a full-blown truck, and a cargo van offers you some unique  advantages. To start with, a cargo van allows you to contain all that you need for work, and to lock it away from view of the public. That’s great for your piece of mind as someone who has a great deal invested in your tools. Also, the inside of our cargo vans are wide open, and this allows you the ability to completely customize the inside for your specific needs.

cargo inFinally, these vehicles are built to run day in and day out, and starting from as little as 16,995, they’re priced perfectly for the independent contractor.

The cargo van: one beautiful vehicle, if you ask me. We’ve got 4 in stock, so drop by and see them for yourself; you deserve a vehicle that works as hard as you do.

Safe driving.


A serious truck for serious work or fun.

As many of our friends and customers know, the Belanger Truck Centre is a great place to find a truck deal – no matter what your looking for. We carry all makes and models and along with something for everyone, every once in a while we come across something truly special or unique, like this truck:


This is a truck for all seasons. It’s a 2006 GMC SIERRA 3500 Extended Cab Long Bed. It has a full back seat, making the ride in back, just as comfortable as the ride up front. It’s completely loaded. Along with the full use long box and included bed liner, you’ll find an AM/FM CD Player, Full power throughout, Air Conditioning, Cruise, ABS, Alloy Wheels, Tilt Steering, Passenger Airbags, Electric Seats, Running Boards and much more. When we say it’s loaded, we mean it: it’s loaded.

Of course, the real value in this truck is it’s incredible work pedigree. This thing was built to haul any sized load.  It’s got a rear dual axel and a 3500 Duramax Diesel engine. It can easily haul 15 thousand pounds and the engine is as powerful, smooth and reliable as they come. Whether you work in a heavy-duty trade or industry, or simply want to haul any-sized trailer or toys without a care in the world, this truck has few competitors. Nothing on the road hauls any better, and at this price, it’s not going to be on our lot for long. New it sold for more than $70,000 – nearly twice the price we’re selling it for!

If you’re looking for a really serious truck, you owe it to yourself to stop by our Truck Centre on Youville Drive in Orleans today. Step up, sit inside, turn the key and feel some real power. I’ve got the keys to your truck in my hand. Come and grab them from me.



Our new flyer is out, and it’s loaded with deals!

Our new flyer is out, so many of you will already have seen this if you live in our immediate trading area. No worries if you didn’t receive it, here it is.

By clicking on any one of the brochure panels, they will appear as their own page which will allow you to click to magnify it for easier reading.

See you soon!

LucJuly August 1July August 2July August 3July August 4July August 5

Une réponse à vos questions :

(See below for the previously posted English version of this blog entry)

Les affaires vont bon train malgré l’annonce de GM de mai dernier.  Plusieurs clients me demandent si nous allons fermer le concessionnaire.  Or, la même question me fut posée par plusieurs clients.  Par conséquent, voilà une excellente occasion pour répondre à ces multiples questions de notre clientèle.

Question : Allez-vous fermer le concessionnaire ?

Réponse : NON, nous maintenons les activités.  Lorsque GM a annoncé en mai dernier que plusieurs concessionnaires canadiens ne porteraient plus la bannière Pontiac Buick GMC à compter du mois d’octobre 2010,  j’ai déclaré aux médias que GM avait décidé de mettre fin à nos activités.  Je dois corriger le tir en précisant ce qui suit.

GM retire notre franchise mais nous sommes les seuls à décider si nous fermons ou pas.  Après plus de 40 ans en affaires, soyez assurés que nous sommes loin de fermer l’entreprise Bélanger.  Nous sommes là pour rester.

Q : Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre raison sociale, de votre identité commerciale?

R : Nous sommes présentement en discussion avec d’autres manufacturiers.  Nous vous informerons en temps et lieu de tout nouveau développement.  En attendant cette ultime décision, soyez rassurés que nous continuons d’offrir à notre clientèle ce service première classe sous la bannière Pontiac Buick GMC.  Également, nous maintenons ce service hors pair pour toutes les autres divisions de l’entreprise (déjà, les chiffres indiquent un accroissement).    Peu importe la marque de voitures que Bélanger offrira à sa clientèle, la division des voitures d’occasion ne ment pas.  Les ventes augmentent de mois en mois dans cette division.  Celle-ci sera éventuellement séparée de celle des voitures neuves dans la réorganisation administrative.  Également, un signe encourageant est celui  des ventes de notre division du « Centre de camions Bélanger ».  Enfin, mais non le moindre, notre division des VR (véhicules récréatifs) offre une gamme complète de modèles.  La popularité auprès du public pour ce genre de véhicules se traduit par une augmentation de nos ventes dans ce secteur.  Il y a sûrement un modèle qui vous convient à tout point de vue.  Profitez des aubaines qui s’offrent à vous actuellement.

Q : GM cesse la fabrication du modèle Pontiac; je suis propriétaire ou locataire d’une Pontiac.  Cela veut-il dire que je n’aurai plus accès aux pièces du modèle Pontiac ?

R : La plupart des manufacturiers maintiennent en inventaire ces pièces pour une durée de 20 ans.  De plus, Pontiac, étant une division de GM, doit respecter toutes les garanties et obligations telles que définies par la loi et par les gouvernements.

Q : Allez-vous continuer d’offrir le service même après la fin des ventes de Pontiac ?

R : OUI, soyez assurés.  Nous offrons 24 baies de travail pour les différents services et 15 autres baies pour les travaux de carrosserie.  Je vous rappelle que nous détenons un des centres de service les plus modernes de toute la région d’Ottawa et de l’Est de l’Ontario.  L’excellent SERVICE existe déjà et continuera d’être notre marque de commerce, notre priorité envers notre clientèle.

Q : Allez-vous m’offrir votre aide pour les questions de garanties si j’achète un produit GM de votre concessionnaire ?

R : Nous allons continuer d’offrir les services d’entretien sur tous les modèles des différents manufacturiers.   A ce jour, je ne peux vous garantir de façon absolue que nous offrirons les services liés aux garanties des produits GM.  Cependant, je peux vous assurer que nous vous apporterons toute l’aide nécessaire liée à l’entretien et aux garanties de votre véhicule.

J’ose espérer que la présente rubrique apportera réponses à vos questions.  Si vous avez d’autres questions, n’hésitez pas à me les soumettre personnellement.

Merci bien et conduisez prudemment.

Luc Bélanger

Your questions, answered.

Sorry we haven’t blogged much recently, but the simple truth is that we’ve been incredibly busy – more so than we expected. As we go about our business, I still come across the occasional customer who asks me if we are closing our dealership. It occurred to me that other customers and friends might be asking themselves the very same questions, so I thought I would answer some of the most common questions I’ve gotten from our customers to give you a better sense of what’s going on with us.

Q: Are you closing?

A: No, we are not closing. When GM announced that we, along with many other dealerships would no longer be flying the Pontiac Buick GMC banner after October of 2010, I made the comment in the media that GM was shutting us down. That was a mistake. I expressed the situation using the wrong words. GM is removing our franchise, but we’re the only one’s who can decide when or if we will close, and with more than four decades in the business, our family isn’t leaving this business anytime soon.

Q: What will you become?

A: We are currently in discussions with other major manufacturers, and will keep you posted as things develop. Until that decision is made, we will continue to operate as a first class Pontiac Buick GMC Dealership. As well, we will continue to focus on providing first-class service centre (it’s only going to get stronger). We continue to grow our late model used inventory (all manufacturers), and no matter what brand we eventually end up selling, the used business will be a separate and extremely active growth area for us, and our recently revamped and expanded Belanger Truck Centre is a great example of this. Last, but certainly not least, we will continue to grow our popular Belanger RV division. Leisure driving is growing in popularity and we offer some of the best selection and deals in Ottawa and eastern Ontario.

Q: If Pontiac is being discontinued, do I run the risk of not being able to get parts?

A: There is no risk to you, the customer, whatsoever. Most manufacturers keep part stocks available for up to 20 years. Plus, Pontiac is a division of GM, and all warranties and obligations will be maintained as an order of law, and continue to be guaranteed by the government.

Q: Will you continue to offer service, even after you stop selling Pontiacs?

A: Yes, you can be sure we will! We have 24 service bays and 15 body shop bays, and we operate one of the newest, most modern service centres in the entire Ottawa area. Service is and will continue to be one of our cornerstones.

Q: Will you be able to help me with warranty work if I buy a new GM from you?

A: We will continue to do  all vehicle maintenance work on all makes and manufacturers, and though at this point I can’t say with certainty that we will do warranty work for GM, I guarantee you that we will support you fully and  help accommodate all warranty and maintenance work you may have.

I hope these answers help make things a bit clearer. If you have other questions, please send them to me and I’ll try to answer them as quickly as possible.

Thanks, and continued safe driving

Luc Belanger

A la recherche d’une aubaine sans précédent d’un véhicule d’occasion ?

(for English version of this post, see below)

Croyez-le ou non !  A la mi-temps de l’année en cours, nous sommes heureux de vous faire part que nos ventes augmentent du côté de nos véhicules d’occasion.

Les clients réalisent qu’il y a de vraies aubaines à obtenir présentement sur plusieurs de nos modèles récents.  C’est pourquoi, tout client ne peut manquer cette période pour choisir le véhicule tant désiré.

Nous avons augmenté significativement notre flotte de notre « Centre de camions Bélanger ».  Parmi toute la gamme de véhicules neufs, d’occasion, de VR ou de camions, vous devriez trouver le véhicule qui répond à vos besoins.

Lorsque vient le temps d’acheter un véhicule – tout modèle confondu – le client recherche la paix d’esprit et la satisfaction dans tout le processus d’achat.  Il veut éviter les tracasseries administratives et recherche des réponses précises à ses interrogations que ce soit sur les garanties, les rabais, les modes de paiement, les remises s’il y a lieu, etc.

C’est pourquoi, nous avons révisé et augmenté les « normes Bélanger » dans tous nos choix opérationnels.  Nous sommes constamment à la recherche de nouvelles façons de faire et nous l’offrons, en retour, à notre fidèle clientèle que ce soit un programme d’échange de 30 jours, des garanties solides reconnues par l’industrie automobile, l’assistance routière, les rapports de l’Association ontarienne des vendeurs de voitures d’occasion (UCDA), ou encore, une assurance routière supplémentaire de 12 mois, à titre gracieux.

Et votre paix d’esprit ne s’arrête pas là.   Nous avons un employe depuis 23ans qui vous assure que de choisir  un véhicule d’occasion chez Marcel Belanger, c’est un bon choix.  Son nom est Michel Leroux, gerant de vehicules d’occasion.

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Michel redéfinit le mot « rigueur ».  Son expertise dans l’évaluation des véhicules d’occasion est reconnue partout dans l’industrie automobile.  Sa rigueur à donner un prix sur une voiture est faite à sa juste valeur.  C’est pourquoi, sa minutie dans l’évaluation d’un véhicule lui permet de rendre un prix juste et raisonnable.  Souvent, lors des ventes aux enchères, il est le premier arrivé sur les lieux, et, le dernier à quitter.  Il inspecte personnellement tous les véhicules qu’il achète.  Cela se traduit par des véhicules en très bon état ayant un prix de vente incomparable.

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Si vous voulez « tester » Michel, lors de la sélection d’un véhicule et de son coût, je vous souhaite  – Bonne chance !   Michel est d’une rigueur insoupçonnée et sa passion pour son travail ne dément pas son professionnalisme.  Il est le maître des véhicules d’occasion au point tel que ça devient un sport pour lui.

Bélanger et Michel Leroux : aussi bons qu’une garantie de véhicules d’occasion.

Bonne route,


Looking for a great used vehicle? Meet our secret weapon!

Call it an odd sign of the times, but with just half of this economically challenging year completed, we’re delighted to tell you that our business is booming, especially our used business.

Customers are realizing that there are some incredible deals on superb late model vehicles and while times are currently tough, a great deal is not to be missed.

We’ve also dramatically ramped up our popular “Belanger Truck Centre”, so between new and used cars, trucks and RV’s, if we don’t have it, you probably don’t need it.

When it comes to buying a vehicle – any vehicle – a customer’s peace of mind and satisfaction through the buying and ownership experience is the most important thing. That’s why we’re upping the game and applying what we call Belanger Standards to everything we do: We’re constantly finding ways to improve the experience for you and we have a great deal to offer, including our 30 day exchange program, proven industry-grade warranties, roadside assistance, UCDA reports and complimentary 12 month “Walk Away Insurance”, to name a few.

And your peace of mind doesn’t stop there. We also have a one of a kind secret weapon that protects all our used customers. His name is Michel Leroux and he’s our used car manager.

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Michel redefines the word thorough. I once commented that I thought Michel spent a lot of time looking over vehicles at the auction. Big Mistake! Michel promptly and swiftly told me that he wouldn’t dream of buying a vehicle for the business that he wouldn’t buy for himself personally. Getting it right takes time, and that’s one of Michel’s advantages; he takes the time required to get it right.

He is often the first guy at the auction in the morning and the last guy to leave at the end of the day. He relies on his own inspection for everything he buys, and that means the cars he selects are rock solid, and priced right.

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And if you have any thoughts on trying to “best” Michel when it comes to selecting a great used vehicle at a great price, good luck! Michel is extremely sharp, and incredibly passionate about his job (and even more so about his reputation!). Used vehicles are his passion, and are like a sport to him. Staying with the sports analogy, I can confidently say that Michel is one of the very best vehicle “Scouts” in the entire industry.

Belanger Automotive and Michel Leroux: As good as a used vehicle guarantee gets!

Safe driving,
